Tag: administration and businesses

Active Telemarketing

August 16, 2023


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Salesman If the unstopping market was a war, the salesman would be that typical soldier who would go to the front to make the sounding, verification and to collect information on the enemy. The professional of the sales is the first person who goes to arrive at the customers and vice versa. After this he only is that he will be able to have some service for the company. as the salesman can obtain services for the excessively diligent ones (that they will come ahead)? Basically, they are the four ways that a salesman can arrive at the customers and vender a service: Active Telemarketing; Act of receiving of linkings of customers who need a service; The customer fills a form of budget in the site and this arrives at the salesman; A external salesman, armed of a catalogue, offers the services of unstopping in the quarters with bigger demand. Biologist or chemistry: A time that the service is vendido, it arrives until the biologist or responsible chemistry for the activities of the company. This professional makes a study of the services and indicates, later, the technician with more affinity to execute them. In general, the biologist mainly assists in the services of dedetizao and control of urban plagues.

Depending on the degree of difficulty in the execution of a service, the biologist goes until the place to offer its knowledge and to help in the resolution of problems. If some thing to give wrong during the execution of some service, the biologist must make responsible, since, theoretically, it is the biggest expert of the activities and services offered for the company. Jatista technician: This professional operates the hidrojateamento system, typical equipment used in the hygienic cleaning, unstopping of pickling. Technician in unstopping: He operates the used trucks of auto-vacuum in the services of clean fossa, draining and transport of sewer. Administrators: They control the payment of employees, good the documentations demanded for the functioning of the desentupidora or dedetizadora company. They act in the department of purchases of materials. They apply part of profits of the company in the purchase or the development of new technologies. Capital Partners may find it difficult to be quoted properly. In summary, they give to support for all the excessively employees.

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