Month: January 2024

Federal Network Agency

January 28, 2024


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The solar energy will occupy a very important role in the energy policy of Germany in the near future. Although you always still often face the photovoltaic at us accusations and resentments, many unique facts that are all obviously equally prove exist: the solar energy has always the ability of future energy in this country to be. Finally alone over the past three years the amount of solar electricity to the 6 x is already in Germany higher, while at the same time, production spending on solar power were steadily low and in a short period of time will be already similar expensive as electricity produced at usual. But also now solar systems produce a solar electricity that is significant as all nuclear power plants located on the power supply according to the Federal Network Agency in good weather conditions, as well as about the lunch already. Critics suggest the solar energy though, that continue to solar power to electricity from nuclear power and Coal-fired plants a lot might be higher. Of these unnoticed but always, that environmental destruction due to enormous CO2 emissions by stone and brown coal power plants caused billions of dollars in exorbitant costs in a precarious accident in a nuclear power plant left once fully into account. That in hindsight damages must be considered with of course also at the current price of conventionally produced electricity, why environmentally friendly solar eco-electricity is now already is cheaper! Also on less irradiation of the Sun cheaper solar power through solar energy renewable energy is wind power now just still guaranteed, precise spoken off the coast located off-shore wind plants, which produce cheaper electricity than the solar energy. In accordance with the opinion of experts from the year 2014 solar power will be also already but cheaper than eco-electricity produced by offshore wind farms, especially the costs for Solar installations in the coming years still a lot lower is called now.

It is also also very witted in this country in photovoltaics to invest because we extensively to sunlight is available. “The solar energy they allege but always, that the Federal Republic in no way a real Sun country” was, but this is a fact: in the less sunny North of Germany, already 40 m 2 of solar panels are also enough so that they cover the power budget for a normal household. On top of that there is a decisive means of solar systems to an independence from energy imports, but often not factor addressed why solar energy is our energy of future – because such an energy autonomy is finally actually accessible. By solar energy, a consistently modern era of supply is realisable in particular in the entire Federal territory! Because everyone finally can produce its own electricity with private solar installations, Finally loosing the power of this country very large energy corporations as well as to a breaking up of energy dependence from foreign countries. Because all people virtually by means of solar energy can produce solar eco-electricity, it is in this country in the not-too-distant future by means of photovoltaic possible to ensure the following: no negative influences more on climate, an absolute protection of supply and hence an absolute energy self-sufficiency.

Quantum Mechanics

January 27, 2024


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Similar to quantum mechanics, where everything is possible and even the impossible can be traced without any goal, poetry always vibrates between the possibility of saying something suggestive, with the jingling of words sweeping everything. And it is precisely this lyricism that brings us to a fatuous poetry, without much content.In addition to the usual love themes and the always penetrating glimpse of death, the truth is that we can bring disappointment after disappointment and bring us little to our oven, almost to starvation. From starvation, I find very little that you alter something. Either by the amount of flowers and a few stems or on the contrary. If the poem is not overwhelming in words gadgets already worn, it happens that the pedenteria is installed with such force, that cannot pass of the first verse. As if the poets were alchemists with hidden formulas, it must be said incomprehensible things to have true caliber.Why poetry is not very popular.It’s a debastado world. Perhaps we can reach a point intermediate, do not know.

And nothing I want to say of the tyrants of contests and doctors to use. Finally, I leave here a poem created in 1 minute and see how they feel.It is not good, but if it makes them think for two minutes, you’re already prepared to strip gives the basur immediately and you will have fulfilled its mission. Allowed all kinds of barbaric acts and comments greetings tumbler I was a fluid that I was drinking daily as an incomprehensible medication without any disease.


January 27, 2024


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In a previous discussion talked about the importance of keeping a positive attitude in life, whatever the circumstances that touch us to live, and its effect on how out of this situation: If you go on what you have positive, even when it appears that everything is wrong, will have many (really many) more weapons to counteract the situation and stay afloat. One of the subscribed to this newsletter (Rossana from Colombia) made me the following comment: I am convinced that all this is truth () experience it in my life with surprising results () but my mind (now) is infected with fears and unbelief. It desperate me not be the same as before, I can do? First and foremost, calm! As I always say, if you leave yourself to dominate by emotions, leave the reason for side and only react rather than Act. Animals react, people react, and we also act. Suppose that you are in the cinema. Suddenly, during a scene in the film, a person in front of you is to violently, saying, this is very bad, do not agree with what is happening and while talking, walking towards the screen with evident indignation. Then, generating even more surprise in all attendees, starts out the actors (who are on the screen!) and tells them that it is not in accordance with that. Note: as I write this I remember my daughter for two years, when to watch cartoons on TV and gives kisses to the characters, directly on the glass. Surely someone would stop and shouting you crazy! If you don’t like the movie, discuss it with the director! However, in our life, we act many times as the madman who sermonizes screen, angering us with the result of our way of thinking, instead of giving us realize that what happens to us is only the externalisation of that internal script.

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