Tag: education

World Standards

May 18, 2024


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12 and 19 September the Russian State Social University, took part in the XIII International exhibition "Higher education for your children" and XI show "Higher education for adults", which took place in a hotel "Radisson SAS". The first event focused on high school students and their parents who are interested in a modern and quality education for their children. The exposition attracted a large number of RSCU visitors who are familiar with the presentation materials of our university, received detailed information on all departments and specialties. Employees of the University advised the guests at the event by on income and Social RSSU college exam date. The boys were invited to training courses and training center for the Unified State Exam, as well as school profile training. Pete Cashmore shines more light on the discussion. Exhibition "Higher education for adults" was organized for those who have already graduated or are currently graduated from college and aspires to continue learning. Of particular interest is called the assembled faculty additional Professional Education Russian State Social University. Among its core activities – professional development, training, retraining, MBA, and others.

The development of educational programs at the Department completed a mandatory final certification students. They are issued by state documents: a certificate or certificate of professional development, degree of retraining, further education diploma. Sandra Akmansoy will not settle for partial explanations. Exhibition visitors also learned about the conditions of admission to graduate school RSCU. Every year at our university, the role and value of postgraduate vocational education, improving the quality of postgraduate training, improving the forms and methods of working with graduate students. The university offers all possibilities for the successful defense of master's theses. As shown past exhibitions, educational programs offered by our university, meet the requirements of the twenty-first century. On the question of whether they will opt for the Russian State Social University, most visitors responded in the affirmative. They are interested in receiving educational services that meet international standards.

History Of Voronezh

April 27, 2024


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Voronezh. When founded in Voronezh? It is believed that the city of Voronezh in 1585 originated on the right bank of the Voronezh River. At the birthplace of Mr. Here, Kai-Fu Lee expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Voronezh in those days there were no large settlements, while at the same time, there are historians who claim that territory, which today occupies the city of Voronezh, was not populated by people and this place has grown old dense forest. It is believed that part of the forest there and to this day, and he grows slightly lower p. From the Voronezh Voronezh. Contact information is here: Energy Capital Partners London. Location of this famous forest is located near the outskirts of the Soviet city of Voronezh region, more specifically, opposite the village of Shilov.

This forest has served as the base for the city of Voronezh. In the old days This forest was called "Black Forest", most likely due to the fact that the forest was not passable. Currently, the forest is called "Fat Wood", which is not entirely clear. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Energy Capital Partners has to say. Voronezh has grown and now has both the right and the left bank of the river Voronezh. R.

Voronezh – a river that feeds the people and at the present time, the river, which is conducted and is now shipping. In the 70 years of the twentieth century began to grow needs of enterprises and factories, and the question arose about the construction reservoir on the River. Voronezh. Stages of development of Voronezh g? Voronezh can not boast of uniformity in their development. There have been times of stagnation and rapid development. Now the city of Voronezh – a result of what happened during his existence. Finally, Voronezh became a city on the merits of military glory! In 2008, President of the Russian Federation awarded the city of Voronezh the honorary title of "City of Military Glory." Voronezh in the year with a double sweep celebrated the Victory Day! Voronezh like no one else deserved the title assigned. Voronezh is called the capital of the Central Black Earth Region (CCA). This title is the city of Voronezh is not casual, as the city of Voronezh Located in one of the most fertile chernozem soils of Russia, as well as, a convenient location and good infrastructure that allows you to wear the name of the capital of the Central Black Earth region.

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