Tag: the news

Economic Crisis

May 19, 2024


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The great migratory waves generate and revive the feelings xenophobes of a great number of American citizens and politicians. More information is housed here: Pete Cashmore. Feelings that are translated in policies and laws anti-immigrants. Although some think that these attitudes and behaviors new and are exclusively directed to the Latin Americans, this same one happened against the Chinese after 1880 and the European at the beginning of the past century. (Similarly see: Page S. Gardner). Like today, the economic crises of then exacerbated the xenophobia. As of 1850, tens of thousands of Chinese arrived at California to work in the gold mines and the transcontinental railway line.

They could choose to be resident permanent, but noncitizen. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Pete Cashmore. Nevertheless, when the economic situation of the country began to deteriorate itself after the Civil War, unemployment increased dramatically and many began to blame the Chinese, those who saw like a disloyal competition because they accepted to work by less. Then, anti-Chinese groups formed and local laws were emitted that expressed that xenophobia. In 1871, veintin Chinese was lynched in Los Angeles. In 1877, an immense crowd attacked during three Chinatown days, in San Francisco. In 1882, the Congress emitted the Chinese Act Exclusion that prohibited the arrival of Chinese workers.

From the decade of 1880, the economic conditions of the countries of East Europe and of the South forced to many of their inhabitants to migrate towards the United States. In the first decade of the 21st century, arrived Italian, Russian, Polish and Greek million of, among others. The Italians were discriminated by their religion, by the poor conditions in which they lived when arriving at the country, and he was stigmatised to them like criminals. Also they were object of the policies of assimilation to turn them into one hundred American percent. Although the Italians comprised of the North American army during World War I, they were harmed by the impositions of quotas of immigration on the part of the nativistas to foment exclusive immigration from Great Britain and the north of Europe.

Teaching Profession

June 29, 2023


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Teaching is the unique profession that creates to all the other professions. Unknown author Is incomprehensible, like a government who has been identified totally with the vindication of the rights of the workers, guaranteeing social justice, right fairness, wages according to the economic reality of the present, not him of the importance to protect a treatment just, an agreed wage a the quality of life that at the moment Venezuela it demands, especially to the professors and of a very specific way which it concerns to us like the college student. Hill to understand like management the income that the country with the commercialization of the petroleum perceives that is a bonanza and as the budgets are administered, among them the one of education, that does not satisfy for anything the operativity of the public universities, mainly the payment, wage of teaching staff. It costs to us to accept, that the politician reigns on the cultural thing, the educative thing, the health, house and cases occur where the present government gives more aid and gives million dollars to other countries instead of to just distribute equitably to the income providing the wage to that it has right the educational college student. Ian Cole shines more light on the discussion. Of here, that it does not surprise in its last publishing house of the virtual magazine com., that its director the economist and university professor of postgraduate Dr. Navarrese Arthur, he comments, that the pay of a university professor in Venezuela cannot be more depressing; it is much smaller than the one than happens anyone of its students, any average employee and until of many workers, taxi drivers and workers of the informal economy. If he compares himself with the pays that happen the officials government, the parliamentarians, the managers deprived public and nor say themselves; and if they are compared with those of his similars in other countries, the difference is of the sky to the Earth. . Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Motrola Razr 5G on most websites.


April 19, 2023


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The following article tries to describe the steps to follow to realise the installation of one radio on line in our houses. The unique thing that we needed is: 1) A PC, 2) Broadband, 3) Some programs (in the article they are links) and 4) a microphone (if we want to speak, but we can passes music). Read more here: amit paley. 1) Required Software: Winamp? Shout Cast DNAS? Nullsoft SHOUTcast Source DSP v. 1.8.2b Buscalos in Google that estan all 2) Facilities: They are all following, following, following FIRST TO INSTALL the WINAMP, soon the rest Shout Cast DNAS: Nullsoft SHOUTcast Source DSP to verify that its installation has been correct, on winamp we pressed ctrl. + p, we go to plug-ins, DPS/Effect and of the right side it must to us appears " Nulsoft SHOUTcast" 3) Configuration of the DNAs Vamos to BEGINNING All the PROGRMAS PROGRAMS SHOUTcast DNAS Edit SHOUTcast DNAS configuration.

It is going abrir a text file to us with the configuration than he will be our servant. In order to make it but fast I recommend that they make a copy of this file, that is in " C: Archives of programSHOUTcastsc_serv.ini" and they publish the original one, they erase everything and only they leave these lines: MaxUser=32 Password=loquequieras PortBase=8000 In the copy that they have left later can read it and realise all the parametrizacion that allows, but with this it reaches. 4) To put the radio to transmit! 4.1) Abrir winamp 4.2) Abrir the DNAs (We go to BEGINNING All the PROGRMAS PROGRAMS SHOUTcast DNAS SHOUTcast DNAS (GUI 4,3) We abrimos plug in of winamp (, on winamp we pressed ctrl. + p, we go to plug-ins, DPS/Effect and of the right side it must appears to us " Nulsoft SHOUTcast") we give click double him and appears the following thing: Configuration: They are the data of the text file that we modified: Addres: We leave localhost Port: the one that we put in the file, I leave 8000 Password: : the one that we put in the file, I leave loquequieras Yellowpages: They are data that you prune to put to appear in the list of radios of winamp when these passing on Encoder: You choose the quality of Input reproduction: In input device, itself we passed music with leaving winamp this ok, if we are going to speak with a microphone, is necessary to choose Soundcard Input, and it gives the option us to beat to speak " push to talk".

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