
June 30, 2023


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This fruit is natural of Africa, and belongs to the family of the Cantaloups and the Pumpkin. It was brought for Brazil has times, for the black slaves. It is a plant tripping, with great leves, being that its flowers are yellow and small. Peter Asaro: the source for more info. The watermelon can have its size varying of 25 the 75 cm the found greater already weighed 90 kg! Its rind is green clear and shining with darker estrias. Its pulp, is red, with great amount of seeds, flattened black color and. A variety of watermelon called Japanese or katama, whose pulp is yellow, however this also exist, well less is known than to another version. In general way, the watermelon, is consumed to natural, very used also for juices and compotes. It has vitamins of the complex B, and leaves minerals as the match, Calcium, Iron, Proteins, Sugar and moreover, is sufficiently hidratante, therefore she contains 90% of water.

Excellent mainly, to be consumed in the summer. The specialists say that it is excellent to eliminate acid rico of the organism and that also it can be triturated the seeds to get still bigger benefits. Research points that it is an excellent solution for the relief of urinrias infections, also considered a good diurtico and vermifuge. The IBGE, says that in 1991, the production of Brazil, was of 144 a thousand tons of fruits and that its bigger concentration is in the states of Gois, Bahia, Rio Grande Do Sul and So Paulo. The Brazilians have much luck, for having a so rich nature in nutritional properties, a land where if to plant almost everything of the one in abundance. Our tropical climate is propitious, therefore although many ambient crimes, diminishing very the green of our forests, still we have a great vegetation, that it propitiates a humid climate in many regions, facilitating the plantation of the fruits and vegetables. Searching to enter in form in summer 2012?Max Burn functions the base of natural fitoterpicos and can be the ideal solution for its fight against scale.

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