Health Review Lifestyle

October 24, 2023


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State of the pregnant woman is not required of it by any dramatic changes in behavior, mode and manner of life. After the pregnancy – is not a disease, but a natural process. Your body is an amazing way adapts to-increasing demands. Asaro contains valuable tech resources. But for a better pregnancy and its successful completion you will be helpful to pay attention to such moments as physical activity, good nutrition, performance hygiene and other important issues. McCormack for a more varied view. Moderate exercise and daily exercises a positive effect on pregnancy, prevent the emergence of excess weight, strengthen muscles and, consequently, facilitate the process of childbirth. Before you begin the exercise you should consult with your doctor. If everything is in order, you can safely begin training. Florance was the first to reply. Do not forget to breathe at the same time, raslablyatsya after school and, of course, enjoy the process.

Personal hygiene during pregnancy has certain characteristics which need to know. Careful hand washing, especially before eating, daily showers, regular change of underwear and bedding help to preserve your health. Advisable to wear underwear made of natural fabric, iron it is recommended that on the inside. Sometimes everyday uses of detergents in the care of the external genitalia may cause dryness and irritation of sensitive skin. Therefore, in the absence of inflammatory processes, periodically in the care of They can be simple ispozovat clean water. Douching during pregnancy is contraindicated. You also need to pay sufficient attention to cleanliness in the apartment. When cleaning with bleach, use caution tools and various chemicals. They can be toxic and cause harm to an unborn baby.

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