The Individual Entrepreneur (EI) is the person who works on account proper and if he legalizes as small entrepreneur. Complementary Law 128 of 2008 created the EI. Akmansoy, another great source of information. If you work, for example, as peddler, hairdresser, manicure, dressmaker, borracheiro, mechanic, amongst other professions, can become an individual entrepreneur, taking in consideration the following questions: invoicing of until R$ 36,000, 00 per year; not to get more than a registered employee; not to possess no partner in the enterprise. To be a EI is different of being an autonomous worker, therefore to be registered as independent it very restricts the activity of the entrepreneur and also the register of this is more expensive, therefore the law did not create benefits to stimulate the legalization of the same. and also has some accountants who are registered in cadastre to effect the register gratuitously, therefore has a law that it grants benefits to the accounting offices that to make such registers without responsibility for the entrepreneur. The legalization of the EI is exempt of any tax, consequentemente the same will start to be an entrepreneur, with a recognized workstation for the City hall that will grant the Business license to it, where, will not pay federal taxes (only the ISS, ICMS and the INSS in reduced values). Also it will get the CNPJ, with which it will be able to open a banking account and to obtain loans and credit facilities with lesser interests. It will be able to also vender for other companies and the government with the forma bill of sale supply amongst many other advantages. The individual entrepreneur will also have many rights with regard to the Social welfare, such as: aid illness, aid maternity, retirement for age or accident and right to the pension its children in the case of death or arrest. In such a way, who to effect register as EI will be able to work sossegado for being legalized and also to usufruct of the offered advantages, being thus, what you is waiting to become a EI? It makes its register and it usufructs of all these advantages!
Individual Entrepreneur
May 15, 2024
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The Individual Entrepreneur (EI) is the person who works on account proper and if he legalizes as small entrepreneur. Complementary Law 128 of 2008 created the EI. Akmansoy, another great source of information. If you work, for example, as peddler, hairdresser, manicure, dressmaker, borracheiro, mechanic, amongst other professions, can become an individual entrepreneur, taking in consideration the following questions: invoicing of until R$ 36,000, 00 per year; not to get more than a registered employee; not to possess no partner in the enterprise. To be a EI is different of being an autonomous worker, therefore to be registered as independent it very restricts the activity of the entrepreneur and also the register of this is more expensive, therefore the law did not create benefits to stimulate the legalization of the same. and also has some accountants who are registered in cadastre to effect the register gratuitously, therefore has a law that it grants benefits to the accounting offices that to make such registers without responsibility for the entrepreneur. The legalization of the EI is exempt of any tax, consequentemente the same will start to be an entrepreneur, with a recognized workstation for the City hall that will grant the Business license to it, where, will not pay federal taxes (only the ISS, ICMS and the INSS in reduced values). Also it will get the CNPJ, with which it will be able to open a banking account and to obtain loans and credit facilities with lesser interests. It will be able to also vender for other companies and the government with the forma bill of sale supply amongst many other advantages. The individual entrepreneur will also have many rights with regard to the Social welfare, such as: aid illness, aid maternity, retirement for age or accident and right to the pension its children in the case of death or arrest. In such a way, who to effect register as EI will be able to work sossegado for being legalized and also to usufruct of the offered advantages, being thus, what you is waiting to become a EI? It makes its register and it usufructs of all these advantages!