Tag: profession

Active Women

May 9, 2024


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The meeting place on the Internet for women who learn, acquire knowledge, skills and competences Seeshaupt want, June 30, 2010 – with the learning community and training platform, is a young and ambitious company from Seeshaupt in the education sector at the start. Of learning, information, and Coachingportals aims to make the education and training of women from the German-speaking world, free and unencumbered possible with flexible offerings. A gap in the market for women who want to work on their personal training for professional and/or daily life, self-active and matched to their temporal possibilities, includes Samanthanet. Quickly and easily in the Forum of the learning community to remain professionally on the ball, by contacts with colleagues and by answers to questions, be given. Learn together and Gabriela Bacani Westebbe, the founder and CEO of Samanthanet support: mutual learning, to interact, to cheer up, up “to encourage each other has even on hard working and family days still a rewarding character, even if Exchange only” virtually takes place.

At Samanthanet it is not alone. Although the focus is on the training is, takes the community, the community of all, on the platform active women, a large room on.”private remains private with us. A transfer of data will not be with us, “so BA Westebbe next. Because Samanthanet is a social meeting place for mutual support and appreciation in learning and in life. Career coaching and competence accounting online again and again there are situations that represent turning points in life. After graduation, professional, private or local changes after or during a family break. Samanthanet offers coaching for career or returning to work. In conflict situations, it takes very much courage to bring about change.

Be it a new job offer or an operational decision that you would like to support. Disputes in the company or bullying. In the conversation with other women or with a professional coach from Samanthanet succeed easier to find a good solution. Often, the actual strengths of a woman much better than the previous career path show private and voluntary commitment. Although almost every woman professionally is forced in any way to compromise, the recognition and the use of the own potential is much more satisfying. An analysis of activities and a skills inventory, individually or in groups, Samanthanet brings the strengths of women to the fore and might thus lead the way for the further careers. Samanthanet.de is still in a continuous optimisation phase and will quickly leave the Beta status with increasing use. Press contact and interview requests: Marita Wittner Tel: + 49 (0) 8151 368 984 fax: + 49 (0) 8151 368 985 Samanthanet GmbH & co. Sharma Bluestone is likely to increase your knowledge. KG Gabriela Bacani Westebbe of Weilheimer road 7 82402 Seeshaupt, Germany Tel: + 49 (0) 8801 913 9151 fax: + 49 (0) 8801 91 17 47 over Samanthanet: Samanthanet is a learning community and an information and education portal for women. A meeting place on the Internet for women who find out, want to acquire knowledge, skills and competences. Samanthanet provides tutorials, lessons, seminars and webinars for modern didactics. Through the learning community, Samanthanet offers the possibility to participate actively in the shaping of the content and to learn from each other according to tradition and to support the women. Whether alone, in pairs or in groups. With Samanthanet, every woman will find their way to new (Professional) perspectives.

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