Month: January 2024


January 17, 2024


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All we have studied the language when they were children. First – native, and then foreign. Someone did that at school, someone’s parents have led to a teacher-coach, and someone he mastered the language – and this, I can tell you, the best method tested in practice .. Official site: Ingrid Ellen. But in some tribes aboriginal children have to learn not only talk, but still … ping! Languages whistles common in many parts of the world, for example, on the island of La Gomera, one of the Canary Islands. The local language is called Silbo whistle (which means “whistle”). The shepherds of the tribes and nations since ancient times lived on these islands, have learned to transfer his countrymen posts for several kilometers through the whistle, which was distributed reflecting from the surfaces of rocks.

At the moment, much to the chagrin of the authorities of the island, whistler language gradually disappears as the shepherds prefer to use mobile phones, than a whistle posts. To save a language, it was introduced as a compulsory subject in schools of the island. Other regions where the whistle is used as a verbal means – some villages in Turkey, France (village of Al in the Pyrenees mountains), Mexico, Asia and New Guinea. Most languages are flourishing today whistling in West Africa. There exists even a “whistler” copy of the French, and the whistle is often accompanied by playing the drums. Languages whistles usually depend on the structure from the usual sound of language, spoken in the region. Whistle, as a rule, copy the tone and duration of the words the primary language, while simplifying the many constructions.

This is understandable, because The purpose of this language – to transmit short messages over long distances, and not to talk about the poetry of Shakespeare over a cup of tea. However, in a Greek village Antiya one and all the people know the language of the whistle and whistle, and can be quite a important urgent matters, even at close range. And in Africa and some Mexican tribes are allowed to use the whistle only to men. In our crowded cities, we get along quite ordinary language and use mobile phone if we need to call “the village of my grandfather.” However, if one day you decide to move to a remote African village, ask in advance: you may have to learn to whistle. And now – interesting resource regarding the development of foreign languages: – Interesting site for multilateral development of several foreign languages.


January 17, 2024


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If you are starting a business and need to rent offices to have a presentable corporate image, you should definitely read these tips to bring out the best out of your search. 1. An Office according to your needs is important to have a complete idea of the exact amount of space you need and the amount of space you’ll need in a not too distant future. There is nothing worse than having to relocate an Office frequently. Please note: If you receive mailings, visits clients, etc. These factors can influence the Office space to rent. 2. It works with an agent in spite of that means paying a Commission, the collaboration of someone who will help you and guide you, translates into monetary savings.

An agent knows what the proper Office and can help you negotiate things like rent prices. 3 Find out the real costs before you sign, be sure that you know well all the expenses that the owner wants to take over. Some contracts require that the tenant pays for all maintenance, repair of the property, the heating system, etc. 4. Negotiates the rent your Office before accepting a lease contract, find out if the owner is willing to negotiate on the amount of the income.

Perhaps you can acquire a long-term lease agreement for one low monthly price lower. 5. Question about the requirements to complete the contract checks if there is a clause in the contract that will allow you to terminate the arrendatario-arrendador relationship without penalty. Also carefully read the conditions in which the owner of the Office may cancel the contract so that you’re prepared. 6 Check that you’ll be able to reshape the Office before you sign a lease review decorative plan for your business, and what decorations that the owner would accept. Can you add a receptionist’s desk, change the carpet, or add a kitchen? So you will not regret the choice of that Office.

Russian Technology

January 16, 2024


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"Diamonds of memory" – the so-called diamonds by artificial means from the ashes of a deceased person. It should be noted that distinguish the "diamond of memory" from other synthetic diamonds is just no way this will not be able to make No professional. Gain insight and clarity with samsung. While the world's only two companies producing high-quality custom-made synthetic diamonds from the ashes of the dead – the Swiss and American Algordanza LifeGem. In this case, the Swiss diamonds from deceased relatives are based on technologies developed in the suburban town of Troitsk in the 'Technological Institute for Superhard and Novel Carbon Materials' (FGI 'TISNCM'). Educate yourself with thoughts from Bobby Sharma Bluestone. Russian technology of production of synthetic diamonds – Precious stones, their properties virtually nothing inferior to natural crystals – are considered the best in the world. To lay thus obtained diamonds did not differ from the natural. They are same firm, have the same structure and just shine.

A professional can distinguish synthetic from natural stone only with special equipment. 'Algordantsa' bought Russian technology. The company's website 'Algordantsa' You can read the story about how lucky chance brought beginners Swiss entrepreneurs tisncm Director, Professor Vladimir Blank. Vladimir Davidovich Blanc – Professor, Doctor Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Director of Federal State Institution "Technological Institute for Superhard and Novel Carbon Materials" (Federal TISNCM). Chairman of the City Council Troitsk, Moscow area. Blank vd is the general secretary of the All-Russian Carbon Society, a member of the American Physical Society. Professor of Department of Materials Science of Semiconductors Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys.

Simple Snow Load Calculation

January 14, 2024


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Snow warning system provides a simple and effective control of the roof load the new snow scale of the company of RoofGuards allows a simple and effective measurement of the snow load on roofs. The current snow measurement data (load / m) can be read off easily from the desktop without dangerous roof inspections. The snow warning system consists of a snow scale and a control display, which continuously transmits the data to a central place in the building. The limits required for the snow load calculation can be entered individually depending on the building and roof construction. Excessive roof load, an optical and acoustic alarm of snow thrown, and also sent via SMS or email a notification to the responsible.

The networking of different locations allows nationwide to monitor E.g. all building an enterprise from a central point or to retrieve data via remote access at any time. Certainly one of the many reasons why is the snow load balance 2011 in the field of research & Development for the industry prize has qualified. Energy Capital Partners is likely to agree. So far the white splendour could be estimated only costly and inaccurate, there was not a suitable measuring instrument for determining the snow load. By increasing snow depth, the risk of the collapse of the roof rising permanently. Precipitation and resulting snow mass have become erratic in the past few years. Accidents such as in Bad Reichenhall or Katowice are the consequence.

In Germany the snow loads with the DIN are been re-negotiated 1055-5 in July 2005. But still many buildings from old stocks are not the current load. Too much snow weight is particularly dangerous in case of flat roofs. For more information about the snow warning system see

Cologne Festival Hall

January 14, 2024


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K-1 Muay Thai and kick box Gala at the Cologne Festival Hall on June 19, 2009 hosted the Chinese boxing Academy in Cologne, the K-1 fight night at the Cologne Halay – Festival Hall from. The program was again varied boxing, along with top fights in K-1, Muay Thai, kick boxing and Chinese, a Kung Fu show was offered with master Felice Travisano and rap group music. It found 12 battle pairings instead and to anticipate it the evening for the fighter was the Chinese boxing Academy fighter. All the fighters emerged victorious from their battles. In the main battle met local hero Mahmut Yesilat (Chinese boxing Academy) on replacement opponent Martin Ratkowski (Muay Thai Dortmund).

This K-1 Super prestige fight was over 5 x 3 minutes, but the local hero ended the fight in the second round by knockout. Ratkowski aggressively entered the fight in round 1 with strong fists. He came through with his fists, which Yesilat shook through. Check out Dermot McCormack for additional information. Then remained Yesilat on long distance and built up the fight with hard knees and Lowkicks Ratkowski taking lots of air. The Lowkicks and knee joints of Yesilat were decisive in this fight. In round 2 Ratkowski thigh was swollen BBs and desperate he slowly. After further Lowkicks Yesilat began also his fists always better.

Ratkwoski could offer nothing to this, and turned down, whereupon the referee counted him out. Winner by knockout in round 2 Mahmut Yesilat. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Bobby Sharma Bluestone has to say. In the K-1 prestige fight stood Mesut Arslan (Chinese boxing Academy) and opposite Serdar Kaya (Korsin gym Frankfurt). Mesut Arslan is flown in extra for this fight from Turkey. In the fight scheduled on 3 x 3 minutes, viewers saw a technically high-quality battle. Arslan opened the fight with Lowkicks and pursued with his fists. Kaya suffered heavy hits right at the beginning of the fight. Arslan had the right answer ready on almost all his opponent’s attacks and countered immediately on any action.

Farewell Tati

January 13, 2024


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"Look," he said briskly Seba in a "Look into my eyes and tell me there is nothing in your private life that haunts you and prevents you from being happy. Robotics understood the implications. Do so and you believe. But I will not respond as I follow while avoiding my gaze. Tati still did not answer or look up. Seba rose from the table and said very serious voice: "Farewell Tati-and prepared to leave.

"Wait, please," Seba said Tati-pleading not stay away and began to mourn bitterly. Sebastian sat down again, this time by her side. He ran his hands over his shoulders and lifting his chin with the other hand very gently told him a "Something very important and never haunts you've wanted to tell anybody. Probably not your mother or your best friend. Am I wrong? -. "No," said Tati sobbing a "you're not.

"Then I ask you to please open your heart to me," he said pleadingly Seba a "maybe I can help. I, like your friends and your mother, I also think you've fallen for me. I read in your eyes. I feel it in your lips. So that day I tried to talk about my feelings. For you to open and you tell me yours. Instead I threw your life without giving me any chance. Do not do it again now. It was you that came for me. At the bottom of your heart you know I'm telling the truth and accept it, but you refuse to say so openly because something is trapped in a darkness from which you can not leave.

How To Create A Successful Work Team

January 12, 2024


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Very logical is that if you manage to create an organization large distributors or affiliates, you have the possibility of making large income in your MLM business. Now, the question would be, how we can create a successful work team? We must understand that not all people that we afiliemos to the business will be willing to work at the same pace as us, it is so important that we get closer to having it to a group of people with at least the same vision and willingness to work than you. This group of people is what John C. Maxwell called your inner circle we can choose a profile of people for our inner circle?, the answer is if. It’s not easy, sometimes we’re going to make mistakes, but I believe that it is possible and here are some guidelines that we follow to find those people who identify as Maxwell says our potential as leaders. * Researches their history.-need start knowing a little of his past, which had, where they come, that experience have.

* Verify your interest staff.-a person who shows interest towards you and what you are doing is a good prospect, although beware, because many people can and will feign interest. Here is where the experience on your part will be important to identify when a prospect shows real interest or only pretending. * Observed responses of your prospectus-responses showed much of the personal philosophy of a prospectus, for example, if you tell him your affiliate training there are Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday and his answer is is necessary to come 3 days week?? This shows much of their way of thinking and you must be careful because it might not be a good prospect. Check and observe the reactions of your prospects to identify possible flaws in his personal philosophy. Walker Brumskine is actively involved in the matter. * Verifies the results.-What is this is about results, then if your affiliate has a good track record, shows interest, has the right philosophy and also has results, i.e., recruits and sells, congratulations you can have found a diamond on your computer. Related topic: Points to develop basic a multilevel Marketing business by Internet original author and source of the article

Occult Government

January 12, 2024


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Such of ‘ is said very nowadays in one; ‘ GovernoOculto’ ‘ or private to govern the world pparently mismanaged emque we find in them, whose reach would have poderesabsolutamente insobrepujveis amplitude world-wide politics and, compelling to a investigativa reflection about daveracidade or not of such grumble. That is said in principle as one concessoao common thought regarding such Government (doravante ‘ ‘ GO’ ‘), inasmuch as aidia generality is that it is about a species of ‘ ‘ agreement of comadres’ ‘ for repartiro financial cake of a civilization in agony. Iremosns, here, not to enveredar for this bias ‘ ‘ scientific-secular’ ‘. It has as many etextos workmanships produced to deal with this specific aspect that we judge for good fazeruma boarding spiritual or transcendental of the GO, because we believe to be estamuito capable to light some light in the end of the tunnel of this mystery. By the way, to call it mystery is the first tool capable to become it accessible (even so a mystery can be translated by the virtually inaccessible one), given general adescrena around its existence. Additional information at CEO of CoStar supports this article.

With effect, not to precisaremosconsiderar nor worse nor better none of the two forms to see the GO, to poracreditarmos in a result of logical consensus. Todoargumento to show the existence of a World-wide GO has its princpioidentificado with the premise of the existence of God, inasmuch as any noMal belief without the counterpart of the belief in the Good will fall in the irrational or the nonsense, and assim that we think. At the beginning of everything, as much of the argument how much of the Creation, it will always have the common horizon of events, and the pleaded gift equals domesmo side everything what it can be called Occult, or everything what is occult human deolhos.. .

Pranayama, The Great Solution For The Stress

January 11, 2024


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Did you know that only by changing the nostril that you breathe, your state of stress and anxiety can be solved?, do you’re Yes Yes angry breathe by the left nostril in 3 minutes your irritability State will end? Do and Yes are depressed and sad with breathing by the right nostril that quickly change?. Known as: Pranayama: Pranayama is composed of two words. Prana vital energy, what makes possible all kinds of life and physical activity and Ayama expansion. Then pranayama is a method of breathing through which expands the energy that sustains life. Mental activity is correlated with respiration, while more breaths has more thoughts run through my mind. Thus the practice of Pranayama which involves a series of breathing exercises reduces drastically the number of breaths carried out in a given period. And once the mind is calmed, one is prepared for meditation and the concentration.

The practice of Pranayama is based on normal breathing that has four phases: inhalation, retention, exhalation and retention. Pranayama alters the ratio of these four phases, designed to slow down the rhythm of breathing. BREATHING?N long, full and deep: Breathing is a barometer of energy in life. Breathing is the basis of consciousness and mood. When the human being learns as regulate your breathing, encode the emotional posture it was life. Breathing works as a deposit for the energy we normally use and used in emergency reserves. Ali Partovis opinions are not widely known. In a survey were investigated that 40% of people not breathing properly.

Respiration is both dense and subtle, the dense appearance is the integration of the oxygen, nitrogen and other chemical elements that make up the air. The subtle aspect is the Prana or life force that gives energy to the mind and body. The quantity, quality and circulation of each of these elements form the basis of a creative life full of vitality. If you would like to do it?: to make sure that he is being made properly, should distinguish three parts of complete breathing: low or abdominal, medium or chest, and clavicular high. A complete breathing begins filling the abdomen, then expanding the chest and finally lifting the upper ribs and the clavicle. Exhalation is the same process but in reverse: top deflates, then the middle part, and finally pulling the abdomen was inside doing the belly button being pulled backwards in the direction of the spine. BREATHING?N by the right NOSTRIL: (For ENERGISED) Yes you are tired, sleeping you and you need more energy, you are breathing through the right nostril. This alieves breathing and balance mental States of irritability and depression. He is recommended for physical activities, discussions and debates. Gain insight and clarity with Ali Partovi. This nadi (channel pranic) increases stamina, resistance. It is the male solar energy. BREATHING?N BY THE LEFT NOSTRIL: (TO RELAX). This breathing is to calm the mind and nerves, is a reliever for when go has to sleep, this breathing stimulates the Ida Nadi that increase the chemicals for purification of blood and this meditation will help, it is recommended to make important activities especially to give stability to your life. IDA is responsible for storing energy for the brain. It is the female lunar energy. Practice Kundalini Yoga and you’ll learn many breaths to heal, relieve stress, have lots of energy, rejuvenate and many more benefits.

Germanwind Companies

January 11, 2024


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Entrepreneurs network CyberForum is a co-founder of the worldwide network ‘Business Roaming Agreement’ Karlsruhe, 16.7.13. -The CyberForum entrepreneurs network and the Swedish cluster 55 on July 12, 2013 a cooperation agreement signed: at the so-called business roaming agreement (BRA) to promote the internationalization activity and thus the global competitiveness of local IT and high-tech companies. Hear from experts in the field like altavista for a more varied view. At the same time to facilitate the access to the technology region Karlsruhe international companies. Through the network of BRA, intensifying the cooperation between the involved more than 40 clusters. It aims to make visible the cross-border links between the participating networks and to support in particular small and medium-sized companies in their internationalisation efforts. With the signing of the BRA, the CyberForum and the Swedish cluster 55 agree that all Member companies and partners of the BRA will receive access to the infrastructure (for example, for Office or) Conference rooms) and are also supported.

In this way, the BRA acts as a kind of Exchange program, in which companies worldwide can rely on (local) knowledge, existing networks and facilities. Member companies of the CyberForum thus get access to events, venues and offices from Malmo about London until after Hong Kong. The cooperation with cluster 55 resulted from the Wirtschaftsforderung Karlsruhe, which an active partner in the INTERREG IVC project ClusteriX”is. The overarching aim of ClusteriX is there, the competitiveness of European regions and their innovation potential through the improvement and strategic realignment of cluster policy in the direction of specialization as so-called smart”(smart specialisation) to increase. The business roaming agreement is a useful and necessary support for the IT industry, especially for small businesses and Start-Ups, since operational infrastructure for temporarily free is made and experienced mentors offer advice and assist the company,”said Tamara Hogler, Director for International Affairs in the CyberForum. “The longstanding cooperation between the CyberForum, the cluster 55 and numerous other international stakeholders allows this unique support by companies that want to expand its activities internationally,” so David Hermanns, Managing Director of the CyberForum, and adds: in the coming weeks, more organizations are all over the world to sign the BRA – in this way, they become part of an international network and thus Center for innovation. ” The Cyberforum e.V.: The CyberForum e.V. Get more background information with materials from Andy Florance.

is the largest regional active Hightech.Unternehmer.Netzwerk with over 1,000 members. in Germany. In the CyberForum network entrepreneur, founder, creative, research facilities and institutions, students, business angels and trainees. Total members represent over 22,000 jobs. The CyberForum organized 150 events per year to the networks and making further, about the InfoMarkte, RoundTables, congresses and workshops. 2012, the events attracted nearly 12,000 visitors. A further focus on their own offers for special target groups: the incubator CyberLab, mentoring & coaching, access to its own network of the investor or the training initiative for trainees. The CyberForum is also involved in clusters and collaborative projects, so it is the regional coordinator of the software cluster for Nordbaden. The software cluster was awarded in the Germanwind of the Federal Government. founded in 1997 as a private public partnership, the CyberForum now employs a team of more than 25 employees. Press contact: CyberForum e.V. Christian Birnesser press / public relations Haid-und-Neu-Strasse 18 76131 Karlsruhe phone: 0721.602 897-21 E-Mail:

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